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The Menopause Retreat

The Old Parlour, Oakhill-65.jpg

The Menopause Retreat has been designed to give you the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual tools to sail through calmer seas during this special time in a womans life

A holistic approach to Menopause

Run by our friend and neighbour, Valerie, whose expertise spans nutrition, hypnotherapy, gardening, massage, laughter and more. 


During the Retreat, you will 

  • Learn about the best nutrition for your blood type, which will help you work with your body’s natural abilities during this time of change. 

  • Use hypnosis to release you from the beliefs that are holding you back and  put in place practices that will serve you back in the “real world”

  • Enjoy glorious walks in Mother Nature, meet our neighbouring animals

  • Dine on nutritious farm to table meals with organic ingredients sourced from the grounds itself, or nearby

  • Release negative emotions in Tribal Scream therapy - you will wish you had learned about this years ago

  • Relax with a 60 min luxurious massage and 30 min facial 

  • Connect with Mother Nature in a Gardening workshop

  • Capture this special time with a Portrait photography session

  • Take home a fresh mindset and an Action Plan to help you enjoy the journey, and all the great relationships in your life



  • Identify your Blood group

  • Initial Consultation with Hypnosis

Day 1 - Let's Walk

  • Meet and greet from 2pm, health and safety, refreshments, settle into your room, meet in the kitchen

  • Go through the weeks activities, refresh time

  • Walk the boundaries, meet the neighbouring animals

  • Farm to table home cooked meal

  • Guided relaxation 

Day 2 - Let's Talk

  • Group session: What’s going on? Tools to help you bring balance

  • Private consultation and Hypnosis session

  • Tribal Scream therapy in the woodlands

  • Walk, read, rest

  • Guided relaxation

  • Farm to table meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner​​

Day 3 - Let's Glow

  • Stretch and release exercises

  • Stepping into the Divine Feminine Energy 

  • Massage and facials

  • Gardening workshop

  • Walk, read, rest

  • Bond with Mother Nature, woodland bathing

  • Guided relaxation

  • Farm to table meals for Breakfast, lunch and dinner​

Day 4 - Let's Flow
  • Action Plans for Nutrition, Movement, Mental and Emotional wellbeing, Relationships, Creativity and Fun

  • Individual Portrait Photography session

  • Farm to table meals for Breakfast and Lunch

Post Retreat
  • 2 x 30 min follow up calls â€‹

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The Old Parlour

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